June features update

Whether it is small or large, our team at Nucleus is working tirelessly to give you the perfect command center with every possible feature. This month, our team focused on features to enhance specific actions with your Nucleus account.

  • Resend expired invite links

    Managing users in your account shouldn't be an added hassle. That's why we've created an easy way to view pending users and resend expired invite links.

    • Blank states

      Seeing empty modules with no data can be concerning, so we have removed blank states from areas where you currently have no information. Now, you will be alerted and prompted with the next steps to take.

      • Custom dashboard

        Now you can customize your dashboard! Choose from predefined widgets to add profile breakdowns, email performance, event sign-ups, and more. Not only can you select your widgets, but you can also customize your layout. Easily view all the activity in your account at a glance!

        Stay tuned for next month's exciting updates!

        Interested in seeing these features in action? Get a demo