Taking your unsubscribe to the next level
By Julia, Deliverability Expert
At Campaign Nucleus, we make it a point to never force industry-recommendations on to you while creating and sending your emails. We previously discussed the legal importance of including an unsubscribe link in every email we send. Since then, we have improved our system and now offer an optional one-click unsubscribe feature that you may choose to implement.
I’m sure you are wondering: What is the difference between this feature and the unsubscribe link we already use?
Well… currently, when a recipient clicks the unsubscribe link, they are redirected to a page where they may enter their email and they will be immediately unsubscribed. In the case of a one-click unsubscribe, a user may click the link and will be immediately unsubscribed without being redirected to another page to do so.
While this is not an industry standard or policy, it is highly recommended. This is dominantly because it is a simpler route of unsubscribing which ensures people who intended to be unsubscribed do so properly. In some cases of a double-opted unsubscribe link, some users may accidentally remain subscribed, and this can lead to an increase in user complaints which can affect your domain and IP reputation.
For instructions on how to enable this feature in your tenant, please visit your Nucleus Resource Library!
To experience these features yourself, click here!